Major Update


I'll be honest, I was not happy with the original demo release of this game from last year, mostly due to it being rushed and generally very unpolished in a lot of places.

However this update that I put out should not only fix a lot of things, but overall makes the experience more of what I had in mind. Not only addresses some of the major oversites, but also adding more quality of life additions. 

  • Skills now show the exact percentage of statuses they can inflict.
  • Added more than one sidequest, there's now more to do in the world, yay.
  • Improved some of the sprite work, notably Velcro.
  • One of the first areas of the game, New York, has been expanded, there's now more to see and even do.
  • Other cool things

There will probably still be some bugs n' whatnot, but hopefully there'll be way less than before.

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